Mankind and Sovereignty
Being humble means recognising and amending mistakes to foster growth. Honesty involves maintaining integrity and truthfulness. Being true requires a commitment to authenticity and factual accuracy. Discovering knowledge, especially in contentious areas, is crucial. Offering solutions and requiring evidence for claims is part of being corrective. Seeking justice and reparations for harm done embodies remedy. Respect means understanding and acknowledging others in disputes. Distinguishing moral law from legal systems is key to understanding true law.
We can help you relearn your power, above legal jurisdiction without legal fees as one of Mankind and Sovereignty. Below are some areas we can help guide you.

Property: From Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries;

There is no foundation in nature or in natural law, why a set of words upon parchment should convey the dominion of land.
The earth, and all things therein, are the general property of all mankind, exclusive of other beings, from the immediate gift of the creator.
Bodily labour, bestowed upon any subject which before lay in common to all men, is universally allowed to give the fairest and most reasonable title to an exclusive property therein.
Taking amounts to a declaration that he intends to appropriate the thing to his own use, it remains in him, by the principles of universal law, till such time as he does some other act which shows an intention to abandon it.
The title that is sworn under oath to look after the property of man is that of the monarch. To uphold the tenth commandment;
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
Property Rights
Natural law emphasises that true ownership stems from inherent rights rather than written laws. The Earth is viewed as a shared inheritance, a gift from the Creator. Property claims are justified through labour and personal effort, recognising ethical stewardship. Understanding the responsibilities and rights attached to property ownership is essential for ethical management and protection.
Once we recognise our supreme claim to our property as Mankind and Sovereign, we can issue notices to protect it. This act establishes the law regarding our property according to our wishes, reinforcing our sovereignty and lawful standing.
When we acknowledge our inherent right to property through natural law, we empower ourselves to safeguard our claims. Issuing notices serves as a formal declaration, setting the law for our property in line with our own principles. This approach underscores the importance of individual responsibility and proactive measures in property ownership and management.
We can guide you towards this state of empowerment so you can set your law against your property, see below for some areas it will benefit you in.
Legal, Mankind and Sovereignty
Birth certificates are often perceived as symbols of state ownership, signifying that individuals are considered assets of the state. This notion challenges the concept of true jurisdiction, which proponents argue belongs solely to the creator, underscoring the importance of mankind sovereignty. It’s essential to differentiate between legal identities (created for bureaucratic purposes) and natural persons (who possess inherent rights). Legal statutes and codes, established by governmental bodies, are not universal moral laws but rather specific rules governing state operations and interactions.
Understanding these distinctions is crucial for those seeking to reclaim personal sovereignty and navigate the legal system effectively. By recognising the difference between legal fictions and natural persons, individuals can better assert their inherent rights and challenge the authority of legal statutes that may infringe upon personal freedoms. This perspective encourages a deeper exploration of natural law principles and their application in protecting individual sovereignty.
Private Living
Disputes should be resolved peacefully and honourably through notices and dialogue, maintaining personal honour and holding others accountable. Creating agreements outside conventional legal systems protects personal rights and property. Men and women acting as police officers may engage in actions that are legal but not necessarily lawful. Such actions can be questioned by issuing notices, which may lead to an open court trial by jury. This process allows for a fair assessment, potentially resulting in compensation. Emphasising sovereign rights and the distinction between legal and lawful actions is crucial for protecting mankind and sovereignty.
Protect Your Sovereignty and Rights
Learn how to stand for your intrinsic rights, safeguarding your property and that of your loved ones. Hold accountable those who cause you harm and find harmony by resolving controversies. Live privately, using your own law to govern your property and wishes. Form agreements with others of Mankind. Stop taking “earnings” that attract taxes, as tax is a duty on slaves (see “Of Titles” for details). Legislation can only act on what it can see within the public sphere.
Resolving Disputes Honourably
In the past, unresolved disputes might have led to duels. Today, we handle such matters by writing Notices. When harmed, ask the other party for evidence. If they can’t prove they acted lawfully, press a claim and invite them to a trial by jury. This keeps you honorable and accountable.
Writing Notices is a powerful way to address harm, ensuring the recipient understands their accountability. Remember, a state cannot cause harm; only individuals can. Hold those acting unlawfully accountable through a jury, which can nullify unlawful actions.
Take Action to Protect Your Rights and Property
We assist by uncovering fundamental truths and helping you reclaim your forgotten rights, empowering you to establish laws according to your desires and protect your property, including purchases, gifts, creations, and offspring.
Our services include:
- Creating wills and trusts
- Securing property
- Handling births, weddings, and divorces
- Managing inheritance tax
- Drafting labour compensation agreements
- Understanding licenses, registration and their benefits and restrictions
We teach you to create agreements that transcend conventional legal systems, saving on legal fees. Our guidance ensures your sovereignty and asset protection. Choose us to safeguard your personal rights efficiently and economically.
Understanding these principles allows you to apply them across various areas of your life, ensuring privacy and control. What the system does not see, it cannot act upon.
To discuss further, please email us or use the form below.
Legal vs. Law: A Clear Distinction
Legal: Legal pertains to written law, known as legislation, which governs the governors. This is exemplified by the Bill of Rights 1688.
Case Law: Case law, set by precedent, is considered law but is not listed on It reflects judicial decisions over time.
Agreements: Agreements are binding and considered law for the parties involved.
Crime: Crime is defined as a trespass causing harm, damage, or loss.
Civil Matters: Handled in county courts or chambers, civil matters involve agreements and trust law.
Criminal Matters: Criminal matters involve breaches of agreements made under legal fictions.
What we subconsciously manifest will be…the controllers know this, this is why there is so much negativity in our faces all the time.
Although this is not the subject of Solutions You Need per se, it is a descriptive chart of consciousness and a path to our higher level of being, it is part of our journey.
image. to give them credit

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We do not offer legal advice.
Please do your own research before administering your remedy.
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We do not charge for any content, we ask that you gift us for our time collating the information and to enable further research into the solutions you need.
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